Welcome to the SWAT 2 Demo! First a note: We strongly encourage you to play the demo multiple times as you will find that each time you play the mission, it will play out differently. This is also true of the full version of the game; each of the 30 missions in the full game have an endless amount of variety. Note: To win the demo, keep in mind that not only do you need to arrest the suspects, but you must lead the innocents to safety as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission background --------------------------------------------------------------------- This scenario is based on the well-publicized hold-up of a North Hollywood bank. Bank jobs often occur when the last day of the month coincides with a Friday because banks tend to have a surplus of cash on hand to cover payroll checks. The North Hollywood robbery took place on Friday, February 28, 1997. Two heavily armed men herded dozens of employees and customers into a vault. As the robbers left the bank with bags of money, they were fired on by officers who had arrived at the scene. The suspects returned fire, launching a full-scale gun battle. Amazingly, only the two suspects were killed though a dozen officers and several bystanders were wounded. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To run the demo --------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the demo has been installed, go into the Start Menu at the bottom left corner of your desktop, and under "Programs\Sierra\Swat 2 Demo\" select the Swat 2 Demo icon. SWAT 2 Basic Survival Guide Use the F12 key during the mission for online help. (Don't worry, the game box contains a big fat 200+ page manual that you can read at your leisure.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting started playing the game --------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the Default Team for your first mission: - From the SWAT 2 main menu, select NEW SOLO GAME. - Select SWAT, and QUICK MISSIONS on the following screen, then click on the RIGHT ARROW. This will take you to the recruit interface. - Click on the PLAY SCENARIO button in the bottom right hand corner. The Valor Five and the Top Guns are your default assault and sniper elements respectively. - Click on the ADD button to move Valor Five Element to the Active Element box. Next, click on Top Guns, and ADD to assign them over as well. - Click OK to start your mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Top Ten Commands you should know --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Left-click (mouse) to select units or move selected units. Right-click (mouse) to clear all current selections, preventing accidental shootings and other unintentional actions. 2. Right-click on any of the interface buttons to reveal that button's function and how to perform it. 3. When people and objects appear "shadowed" they are no longer within your team's line of sight. A shadowed image represents the last known position of an object or non-player character. To redirect your line of sight, hold down the shift key and left-click in the new desired direction. 4. The Spacebar is used to toggle between the "active" mode and "inactive" mode in the inventory window. For instance, use the spacebar to quickly make the transition between selecting and nonselecting an item such as a weapon or flashbang. 5. As different people speak, their portrait will appear to the left of the communications window. Clicking on the portrait will immediately select that person and center the screen around them. 6. Left- and right-click in the communications window to cycle backwards and forwards through previous dialogue messages. 7. Holding the Tab key and passing the cursor over a terrorist, hostage, or SWAT officer locks the active cursor on that target. 8. The F1 key is preset for your first SWAT element or terrorist cell, the F2 key is present for second SWAT element or terrorist cell, and so on. 9. The number keys 1 through 5 are preset for individual members of the selected SWAT element or terrorist cell in order of rank. 10. Use the N key to cycle through the members of the selected SWAT element or terrorist cell. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Performance --------------------------------------------------------------------- If the game seems to be running slowly, try any of the following for better game performance. 1. Check and make sure your computer meets the minimum performance standards listed on the web site. 2. When playing SWAT 2, make sure that no other programs are running in Windows. The more memory available, the faster the game will run. 3. Changing from high-color mode to 256-color mode will increase your system's memory available to run SWAT 2. To determine the current graphics setting of your machine, right-click anywhere on the desktop, choose Properties, and click on the Settings tab in the pop-up window. To choose 256-color, click on the down-arrow in the Color palette area and select it from the menu. Click OK and reboot your machine if prompted. 4. If you're running the game in resolutions higher than 640x480, try using a lower resolution. To adjust the resolution setting, right-click on the desktop, choose Properties, and click on the Settings tab in the pop-up window. In the Desktop/Display area, move the slider bar to the left. 5. When playing the game, try resizing the main game play window to a smaller size. 6. To speed up resource access, it is recommended that you do a complete install of SWAT 2. 7. Systems with a total of 16 MB of RAM (especially when utilizing Win98) may experience performance challenges when running SWAT 2. Adding additional memory should improve game performance. 8. As a last resort, try upgrading your machine to meet the recommended standards listed on the game box. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Common answers to frequent questions --------------------------------------------------------------------- The full version of the game has 15 SWAT missions and 15 Terrorist missions. Each set of missions can be played as a continuous campaign and has a unique and very well integrated story line. The full version of the game is multiplayer and internet play is free on the World Opponent Network located at http://www.won.net Multiplayer games can be played cooperatively against the computer or head-to-head. A Map Constructor is included with the full version of the game, and you can play games head-to-head on maps you create. Just make sure your opponents also have a copy of your map. SWAT 2 was designed and developed by Yosemite Entertainment. www.yosemite-entertainment.com We hope you enjoy the demo! The SWAT 2 Team